Tuesday, February 19, 2013

We are the Cannibals

We are the Cannibals,
Should we be judged? I say Na,
We are miss understood and nobody will take the time to put forth an effort, could they even understand us if they tried, is it a wasted effort to get their approval?
It is time that we rise up and face our differences, time for us to wrestle our urges and desires and stand above the masses in triumph.
We need to get ourselves under control and become social, but great, cannibals.
In each of us there is a need to be accepted and in each of us there is a need to be different, so lets be both, like social drinkers we can control ourselves. We can still enjoy the goodness of human flesh but only once in control of ourselves.
We must fight the urge to Devour. 


  1. Oooooh God I'm HUNGRY!!

  2. Replies
    1. Well im more of a raw person because human flesh reaaaally stinks when cooked. it's like burning your hair with a straight iron. yuck. burnt taste? nasty!

    2. That sounds very interesting, I think you should request consent.
