Thursday, February 28, 2013

Graduating Class of We Made IT

What we do in life echos in eternity, in the end what do we want to be, what do you want to see when your life flashes before your eyes in the last moments? Do you want to see yourself chowing down on the remains of a victim, a bloody gory mess, or do you want to see a rehabilitated cannibal standing in victory, with our hands in the air like the statues of the brave men holding their swords.
What do you want to be when you see yourself, what do YOU want to be?
Be that, whatever you just imagined is what you should strive for, it's your choice whether you want to be the dreaded cannibal or the victorious successor.

We will be the Graduating Class of We Made IT.

Tip for the Day Thursday- #1

Tip for the Day Thursday...

There are many different types of people but out of all of those people bullies taste the worst. So my tip for you is don't even attempt to eat them, don't waste you time on their dry, rotten, tasteless flesh.
Who wants to waste their precious time planning and hunting one of these tough cowardice creatures when the sweeter pray won't hide from you in the shadow of their faults, their insecurities. They won't cower in their own self-pity.
Please DON'T waste you time on these dull, meaningless, meats.

This is my tip to you.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

To This Day

Today I have something else to talk about, I know this is for the Cannibals but something happened today and I feel very strongly about it...
Bullying is never okay, I don't care what you are going through, it doesn't matter what your life is like, it is NEVER okay to bully. A friend of mine recently committed suicide and we'll never get him back, through out his entire life he was bullied and no matter how many people we told nobody ever did anything, in the end he felt so trapped, so lost, that he pulled the trigger and I know, with every fiber in my being, that he believed that that was his only way out.

That's the closest I've seen to murder.

Please Watch.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday (Random Cannibals)

Today is Tuesday...

A good day for a story about a random group of Cannibals.

Revolutionary United Front...

RUF was a revolutionary group based in Sierra Leone in Western Africa. By the late 1990's they had been mired in a long bloody campaign to topple the central government. These insurgents terrorized rural Sierra Leone in an effort to control the nations diamond mines. Aided by factions of the National Patriotic Front of Liberia, these groups committed horrific atrocities which included forcing children to become soldiers, amputations of limbs and cannibalism of enemies, including peacekeepers and United Nations personnel. Their motives for eating their enemies were to receive "strength" from eating human flesh and as a tool for intimidation. The exact number of victims is unknown. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

To err is Human

Sometimes people slip up, it's human to make mistakes.

“To err is human, to forgive, divine.”
Alexander Pope, An Essay on Criticism

“If people refuse to look at you in a new light and they can only see you for what you were, only see you for the mistakes you've made, if they don't realize that you are not your mistakes, then they have to go.”
Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free

 It is not knowledge only I know, everyone makes mistakes and everyone has to pay for it in their own way, some never get caught by someone but by themselves, they feel regret, shame, sadness, and/or disappointment, we must all face the consequences of our actions and in the end we will be better.
By making mistakes we a one step closer to blending with the crowd.

We will blend but not merge. Who wants to be like everyone else? It's good to be different, in a good way.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

We are the Cannibals

We are the Cannibals,
Should we be judged? I say Na,
We are miss understood and nobody will take the time to put forth an effort, could they even understand us if they tried, is it a wasted effort to get their approval?
It is time that we rise up and face our differences, time for us to wrestle our urges and desires and stand above the masses in triumph.
We need to get ourselves under control and become social, but great, cannibals.
In each of us there is a need to be accepted and in each of us there is a need to be different, so lets be both, like social drinkers we can control ourselves. We can still enjoy the goodness of human flesh but only once in control of ourselves.
We must fight the urge to Devour.